In a world where not everything is in your control, your mindset is one of the most critical aspects that you have command over. Let's face, unfortunately we run into situations where no matter what we do, or how hard we work, the outcome is just out of our hands. It's a terrible feeling, because people who are in charge of making those decisions do get them wrong. I can say that I've served as a witness to that many times.
But your mindset and approach are up to you. I'm here to tell you that it's best to attack every challenge, every opportunity with the expectation that you're going to win. You are going to win. You are not going to be beaten. You have worked harder, prepared better, and you're very good at what you do, so when the ball goes up on the first whistle, you know that when the final buzzer sounds, you're going to be the victor.
On my blog I encourage you to live in your own reality, because it's often the person with the strongest reality that succeeds. Realize that you play the game for one reason, to win. Having fun, making friends, blah blah blah, it's all secondary. Winning has to be the priority. It's why we are here, to find success.
Of course, I'm making a comparison based on athletics, so here's a few other examples. Why do you go on a job interview? To get the job. You are competing against other candidates, and you want to be the one that wins. I have enjoyed the past 8 months away from the television industry (and yes, I do appreciate everyone who misses my work, you guys are the best), but why did I go to work, why did we produce newscasts? Some people might answer that they are there to make money, there because they enjoy it, or there to provide a public service. The number one reason should be to win, to be the best news outlet in the market, the best at your particular role. You can do all of those other things through your focus on being the best.
When I was playing, one of my favorite motivational quotes was, "You control who's the best player on the floor." Ask some of my players today, and I've told them that time and time again. I'm a believer. The first step toward being the best is wanting to be the best.
There's a certain aura about a person who walks into a situation and knows they are going to be successful. Hater call it cockiness or arrogance, but I believe it can be real, if that person is willing to put the work in to set themselves up for success. One of the huge things I preach is that you are confident because you prepared, and you worked the hardest. What good comes of showing up a defeatist? In the back of your mind, when you know you don't stand a chance, you are already dooming yourself. We've all been there, it's a helpless feeling.
I may not be in the best spot right now, and at times the stress has really gotten to me. However I am blessed, every minute of every day. I can't enjoy any environment where there's no challenge every day, where there's no competition, and no winning to be done. That's why I do what I do, because I can't see myself doing much of anything else. Certain things just aren't good for certain people. So as tough as it is, I persevere with my goals in mind.
When I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll start with a prayer as I always do. I'll thank God for another day, another chance to be great. I'll ask Him to help me take advantage of the opportunities He has provided. That's what I know I need to do, everyday, just rise, shine, and give the Lord the glory. And then I'll go tackle all that the day brings, but not once will the thought of losing or failing at a task cross my mind. I hate that feeling too much. Winning is my expectation. Make it yours.
Wow....that was awesome, Travis! Keep 'em coming, bro!