Flashback... It's March of 1998. The Indianapolis Colts are staring the number 1 draft pick in the face in next month's NFL Draft. Little do they know that the choice they make would go down, not only in history, but in infamy. The choice ultimately comes down to two quarterbacks, who will be forever linked in sports lore.
Ryan Leaf will always be compared to Peyton Manning. Imagine draft analysts and Colts scouts debating for hours and hours on which QB to take to lead the franchise. Luckily for the Colts, they took the right player, drafting a future MVP, Super Bowl Champion, and Hall of Famer in Manning, and "Leafing" Ryan to the San Diego Chargers and, well, you know the rest.
The point of this is to serve as a reminder to us, that everyday, we our compared. Your work is compared to the work of someone else, as is what kind of car you drive, where you live, and even how tall you are. As human beings, I think we subliminally compare, as in we do it without noticing.
This doesn't worry me, nor should it worry you. Let it serve as motivation. In the eyes of the beholder, you're put up side by side against your competition, and you await judgement. I say never fear. Let this serve as motivation to turn out better than the other guy.
Look, you can either live your life infatuated with being the best, or live your life working to be better. Think about it. If you're only judged by how many times you win and how many times you lose, you'll worry yourself to death. But, if your main focus everyday is on getting better and you work to be the best, the results take care of themselves.
I'm not immune to this. I've been the Ryan Leaf. I feel like I'm there right now. And I'll always be compared to the person who got the job over me, or won the game, or beat me in the race, or got a little luckier. But don't think for one second I' going to be another Ryan Leaf. When you're in his shoes, make the decision that when the Colts look back on their pick, they're kicking themselves for not choosing you.
So remember, you are compared to someone or something every single day. You're not always going to win those comparisons, but when you find yourself the runner up, make sure you make someone regret that decision. Don't be another Ryan Leaf. Build your own success story. Be ready for your next opportunity. Live in your own reality.
God Bless,
Twitter: @travisponton
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