The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Keep that in mind as you read this.
I'm sick and tired of hearing the same old complaints of disappointments and incompetence from the same people. Why complain about people who continue to mess up even the most basic of work-related tasks when, come tomorrow, they will walk right back in to their same position, a position that's above the ones of people like me, who deliver every single time. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
But you don't. Heck, they will probably get a raise. They deserve it. Since you're insane, I'll go ahead and say, they DON'T deserve it.
If you're in a place like this, and we all are here at one time or another. If you're like me, you live in your own reality. You strive to be great every day. You look at the top and strive to work harder than that individual, because that's where you want to be. That's where you belong. Expect nothing less than the top spot.
I don't make these senseless mistakes. Why? Oh I don't know, because I actually care. I don't EVER just show up and dial it in. I WANT TO BE GREAT TODAY, and I WANT TO BE GREATER TOMORROW. Greatness doesn't come easy. It's earned. You fight for it. You sweat for it. You bleed for it. You cry for it.
I'm not great. I can only hope to one day be there. But I do deliver. I bring it every time out, and I want to be the best. I trust my ability and work ethic, because I invest the time into it.
It's okay to be frustrated. It's healthy. Even more so, it's fine to voice that. No sense in keeping it in. That's not going to get you anywhere. If you know you can do it better, then make a guarantee and back it up. After all, if you aren't willing to be part of the solution, you just add to the problem.
Work hard. Live in your own reality. Break the cycle of insanity.
-- TP
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